Goals & Outcomes

 I have many dreams and goals in life, and the ones I value most are my pursuits of knowledge so that I can educate my community to make a positive impact on the environment. I hope I am able to keep gaining the knowledge necessary and skills to improve myself as well as making a difference in the lives of those I meet.

Short term goals

  • Register for Spring semester 2016. 
  • Get a 4.0 Spring semester 2016.           
  • Finish 'The Silent World' by Jacques Cousteau.
  • Pass all my classes Spring 2016
  • Visit Puerto Rico
  • Volunteer for Mountain Trails 
  • Refine my drawing and photography skills

Long term goals

  • Read a book a month of the year 2016.
  • Read 100 books.                                            ✔
  • Get a Bachelor's in Environmental Sustainability & Marine Management
  • Transfer to the University of Utah
  • Graduate from SLCC
  • Move to Vancouver, WA